Faith … Family … Freedom …
Not only are these our foundation, they are the weights by which we measure all decision. They bring balance to our lives.
Yet the scales of our nation are out of balance and continue to lean in the wrong direction. As a nation we continue to walk away from God, and we continue to walk away from our founding principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and Bill of Rights. For us here at Dangerous But Good, our convictions of faith, of family and of freedom are things we are not willing to compromise. They are principles we are prepared to fight for and defend with our lives.
However, we look across the nation and see far too much apathy, far too much complacency, and far too much comfort. We shouldn’t be apathetic, complacent, or comfortable with the direction our nation is heading. On the contrary, there should be a fire within us all to balance the scales of our nation. The answer isn't new, but has always been before us … the answer is faith, family, and freedom. Jesus is the way, Jesus is the only way to restoration. Be restored and walk towards Jesus. In Him there is hope. Hope for eternity, hope for tomorrow, hope for our nation. Let’s be a people full of hope, full of Jesus, and full of fire working towards a better tomorrow.
In order to save all that is good and just, THE RIGHTEOUS MUST RISE.